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Annual Meeting Minutes

Park Lawn Beach Annual Meeting


September 24, 2018 7:30PM

Inverness Club House

Present: Cindy Batzdorfer, Jim Boughton, Karen Cooperrider, Joel Craig, Joe Jeffreys, Bob Mida, Mary Sue Webb, Jeff Wright

Absent: Janice Ortbring

  1. Called to Order at 7:36 pm by president, Joel Craig

Introductions made by all present (board and community members)

  1. Approval of Minutes

There were none to approve as they were approved at the last meeting.

  1. President’s Report – Joel Craig

A form has been created for PLBA homeowners to request to do work on community property. This was created due to some concerns of the work people are doing on community property. When wanting to do this work, fill out a form to make the request and the board will turn this around quickly.

A form has been created for the Release of Personal Information. A directory of the community members contact information has been passed out in the past. We are requesting that residents fill out the release of information form, so we can create a directory to be shared with new residents.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Jim Boughton

  • The year to date financial information was reviewed. The revenue is over the budget due to some past dues being collected. Grading of the roads should be on budget. Erosion costs will be close to budget. Any excess we will be carried over to next year. Insurance is on budget. We are anticipating a small surplus to carry over into 2019.

  • 66 residents have paid in full. 5 partial payment. 10 delinquents.

  • 2019 budget will be similar to 2018. The only changes will be to grading and roads improvements which will be decreased $500 to offset the increase of $500 for mowing.

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report.

Moved by: Karen Cooperrider Seconded by: Jeff Wright Motion Approved

  1. Road Chairman Report – Joe Jeffreys

  • For fall there will be touch ups made to the road and filling of pot holes.

  • Trees have been trimmed along the roads and two treatments of chloride have been put on the roads.

  • Next year we plan to do more erosion control and build additional rain gardens.

  • Trying to find a company to come chip limbs/small trees and pick-up yard debris (this will not include leaves)

Motion to approve roads report.

Moved by: Mary Sue Webb Seconded by: Cindy Batzdorfer Motion approved

  1. Long Range Planning – Bob Mida

  • Build a kayak structure in the spring

  • Asked residents to put the docks up on blocks so they won’t kill the grass

  • Clear the shrubbery at Park Lawn Street and North Territorial to make it more visible for cars pulling out

  • Will also be looking at East Bourne to make sure the visibility is sufficient.

  • Take care of the paddle boats that on the community property. The property owners will be emailed to find out who they belong to.

  • At the East access of the community, a post will be added to limit access as well as signage, so visitors know it is a private community.

Motion to approve long range planning report.

Moved by: Karen Cooperrider Seconded by: Cindy Batzdorfer Motion approved

7. Old Business

  • Rain Gardens - Lisa Jeffreys thanked the Mike and Michelle Wright for allowing a rain garden on their property. Lisa offered to help individuals if anyone would like to build a rain garden on their property.

8. New Business

  • Gene Kaiser from Bramble Brae has moved out and a realtor has bought the house. An antique dealer from Chelsea is going through contents of the house. Everything will be cleaned up and the new owner plans to tear down the house and rebuild.

  • Welcome Packet – Lisa Jeffreys has been updating the information to create a new welcome packet. She will share the draft with the community and hopes to have the final version ready to send out by the first of 2019. The directory will not be posted on the website but new residents will receive a print out.

The welcome packet will include Neighborhood Guidelines, Island Beach Guidelines and Dock Guidelines.

  • Garbage company – we are trying to set up a better deal with one company so we can have less trucks in the neighborhood to save our roads. An email will be sent out to notify the neighbors.

  • Stickers – we will have stickers for golf carts and small vessels (canoes, kayaks, etc.) to identify the owners. No more guests’ vehicles will be allowed on the community property. The stickers will be passed out at the Spring meeting.

  • Boat Docks – in the spring we will be reconfigure the boat docks and making sure that the dockmaster has a copy of all registrations.

  • T-shirts - Carie Tillman presented a PLBA t-shirt that she and Adam have created and are working with Ink Frenzy in Chelsea to print them. Carie will be taking orders the price will be $22 each if she can get an order of 25. She will be sending out an email to let the community know more about this. The order will need to be turned in by mid-October to turn in order. Teal colored shirts.

  • Nomination of New PLBA Board members- all board members are up for re-election.

Karen Cooperrider nominated Jenni Moro as a new board member.

Motion to re-elect the entire slate of officers with the exception of Janice Ortbring who will be replaced by Jenni Moro.

Moved by: Norm Colbry Seconded by: Eric Batzdorfer Motion Approved

  • Community Garage Sale – would residents be interested in a community garage sale. Maybe it could be held at the clubhouse. Adam Tillman will check on the cost.

9. Adjournment

Moved by: Joe Jeffreys Seconded by: Karen Cooperrider Motion Approved

Minutes by Amy Craig; approved by Board on 10/16/18.

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